PAX-NOJ CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED is a Private Company operating in Tanzania Mainland, and it is registered by the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) with Certificate of Incorporation No. 170177053 under the Companies Act 2002. The Company’s Head Office is located in Iringa Municipality. The Company provides a myriad of professional consulting services.

PAX-NOJ CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED resulted from freelancing activities done by the then freelancers for the past six years. Between 2017 and 2023, one of the Company’s Directors was engaged – as a consultant – in training/facilitating and translation activities planned by Plan International and SolidarMed, which are international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) operating in Tanzania and abroad. The other Director also wrote proposals and facilitated training at Kiota Women Health and Development (KIWOHEDE), a local NGO in Tanzania Mainland. When the demand for services increased, the consultants joined their efforts to facilitate easy services to the clients.


To become a professional consulting company trusted by clients in Tanzania Mainland.


Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction to its utmost importance.


High delivering

Delivering high-quality services


To work professionally


Quality Products/Services

Accepting the client(s) feedback


Fast-track service

Working flexibly with customers as we provide fast-track service.

PAX-NOJ CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED respects and seeks to ensure and maintain high standards of integrity, quality, and honesty. Our philosophy in attaining all the said values is built in:-